marți, 13 aprilie 2010

Mr Blue,
I think I figured it out, we need to be together, like the shore and the sea.
The thing is I’ve started falling appart, I’m not savoring life and it’s all because I don’t know why you ever would lie to me.
I pluck up the courage and ask you a question I don't know the answer to and your reply is not satisfactory. I wish it was simple, but just say it again and mean it.
I don’t even know why I let you tear out my heart since you might run away with it. It’s a risk.
Would you still be there, holding my hand if I’d leave, looking for the summer? I know that’s wrong to ask, I mean you’ve been with her at Chelsea Hotel and I know you’ll be comparing us two.
Oh, the clever things I should say to you, they got stuck somewhere.
Summer love came and went but I’m waking up to find that you’re still in my dreams. And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad that I wish you the best in life, but you were the best part of mine.
I really should disconnect and stop reading things on the internet because maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me after all.
I saw you this morning, you were moving so fast and I remembered when we walked along a crowded street and you said you’d never forget those images.
I wrote you this letter just because I knew all you wanted was somebody who cares and I wish I was special to you.

In the beginning , I didn't know whether I should post it or not, but I decided to post it because everyone has a 'Mr Blue'. Hope you all like it :).
Song of the day is 'Because Because' by London Anderson. She's very talented and her music inspires me. Her album is out and I can't wait for my copy to get here. I recommand you check her out. And no, this is not spam :)).

luni, 12 aprilie 2010

vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

  New post coming soon.

sâmbătă, 13 martie 2010

Here we go again

Da... nu am mai scris pe blog din... decembrie? xD Not proud of myself. At all.

Probabil ca nici nu as fii scris pe blog daca nu as fii fost atat de obosita si lenesa, dar dupa cum foarte putini dintre oamenii care citesc blogul meu [yes, people, oamenii care citesc blogul meu nu sunt doar in mintea mea], imi renovez camera. Am inceput cu un dulap urat care sta pe un perete din camera de secole: l-am golit si acum urmeaza sa il scot din casa.
Am sa il inlocuiesc cu un panou, pe care am sa il umplu de fotografii, citate si reminders. Iata cateva din versurile alese :

we’re half-awake in a fake empire
The national, Fake empire

Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play.
Oasis, Hello

Take the pieces and build them skywards.
Biffy Clyro, Machines

She will be loved
Maroon 5, She will be loved

What’s so civil about war anyway?
Guns’n’Roses, Civil war

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
Owl City, Vanilla Twilight

If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors
Of the evening stars.
Owl City, The technicolor phase

And history books forgot about us
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once
Regina Spektor, Samson

God can be funny
At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke
Regina Spektor, Laughing with

Life is ours, we live it our way
and nothing else matters
… Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
Metallica, Nothing else matters

Am sa le las pe acestea ca un Part One.Va las si numele artistului si a piesei in cazul in care vreti sa ascultati melodiile. Sunt foarte awseome si cred ca am inclus versuri pentru mai multe stari de spirit, ca sa aveti de unde alege. Restul am sa le postez in mai putin de 3 luni (:

De asemenea, m-am gandit ca de fiecare data cand postez, sa las la sfarsit si melodia zilei/ saptamanii/ lunii/ whatever. So, piesa zilei/ saptamanii... este o piesa de la Amy Macdonald numita Don't tell me that it's over. Enjoy.

miercuri, 2 decembrie 2009

New beginning.

Din moment ce gripa asta de porcusori ne-a inchis scoala [yay!] si saptamana asta avem liber, m-am gandit sa fac ceva mai constructiv cu timpul meu, asa ca m-am decis sa-mi fac si eu un blog. Am fost intrebata de ce imi pierd timpul asa. Pentru ca m-am decis sa imi schimb modul de a pierde timpul. Stiu ca inca nu arata foarte sexuabil cum as vrea eu sa arate, dar e un inceput.
Pentru ca nu prea am idei despre ce sa scriu, am sa preiau o leapsa de pe blogul Petrei.

1.Sunt...imbracata in pijamale.
2.Aş ma mobilizez sa ma duc sa imi iau niste filme bune de la Video Panda pentru ca mi-e dor sa vad unul.

3.Pă gand amintirea verii ce a trecut, sperand ca vara ce urmeaza sa fie poate chiar mai buna.
4.Mi-aş fi nu fi avut incredere oarba in oamenii care am crezut ca-mi sunt prieteni.
5.Nu îmi cei de la UPC au inchis contractul cu Nickelodeon, deci nu ma mai pot uita la Spongebob cand sunt trista ca sa ma inveseleasca.
6.Mă tem de...alegerile dintre cerce, formatie si teatru.
7.Aud... melodia Patience de la Guns n’ Roses.
8.Îmi pare ră nu m-am apucat de chitara mai devreme.
9.Îmi place...culoarea albastru.
10.Nu sunt...asa cum ar vrea altii sa fiu din pacate pentru ei.
11.Dansez...foarte rar.
12.Cânt...foarte des mai nou. Sunt ca un Winamp cu picioare. 
13.Plâng când privesc...sfarsitul de la Brokeback Mountain.
14.Nu îmi place de mine pentru că exclus unele persoane pentru ca mi-am format o parere superficiala despre ei.
15.Sunt confuză...pentru ca nu stiu ce va urma.
16.Am nevoie un prieten adevarat care sa-mi fie alaturi.
17.Ar ma duc sa repet la chitara. :)